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Selectmen's Minutes - May 17, 1994
            Minutes: May 17, 1994 - Selectmen Meeting

Selectmen attending: Joseph Frisoli, Chair; Judith Murdoch, Vice-
Chair; Peter Jones, Charles Flynn and Catherine Kuchinski, Clerk.
Also: Joseph Nugent, Executive Secretary to the Board.

I. Opening Announcements: (1) Chairman Frisoli acknowledged the
service of departing Board members Andrews and Haggerty and
welcomed the newly elected members Peter Jones and Charles Flynn.
(2) May 16, 1994 letter to the Board from residents of George
Street regarding road and drainage conditions.  Residents want
some of the monies approved to be used on this street.  Selectmen
to have residents, Highway surveyor and drainage committee at
next meeting of the Board.  (3) Letter from the Special Olympics
regarding "Recycle for Gold" program requesting public
endorsement of the program which has vehicles towed for profit to
Special Olympics.  Motion 5/17/94.1: move to endorse the program
"Recycle for Gold".  Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.
Motion carried 5-0.  Jones requested copies of the poster be
posted around town for citizens to use program.   (4) South Shore
Voc-Tech rescheduling their dedication ceremony for the new
addition: June 7th at 2pm.  Kuchinski or Murdoch will attend.

II. Reorganization of the Board of Selectmen: The meeting
following a election of new members to the Board is the time for
reorganization.  As a member of the Board, Frisoli noted that
nominations would be solicited for Chair, Vice-Chair and Clerk.
Murdoch nominated Frisoli as Chair with second by Flynn to close
nominations.  Motion 5/17/94.2: nominate Joseph Frisoli as Chair.
Motion made by Murdoch.  Motion carried 4-0-1 (Frisoli).  Motion
5/17/94.3: nominate Judith Murdoch for Vice-Chair.  Motion made
by Jones.  Motion carries 4-0-1 (Murdoch).  Motion 5/17/94.4:
nominate Catherine Kuchinski as Clerk. Motion made by Frisoli.
Motion carried 5-0.

III. Emergency Communications Management Committee re Dispatcher:
Chief Huska, as representative of the Emergency Communications
Management Committee and Judy Hatch, chief Dispatcher appeared
before the Board of Selectmen to discuss the need for additional
time out for a full-time dispatcher. This one-year employee has
had a serious illness requiring surgery and recovery time.  The
Dispatchers' Union and the various members of the Management
Committee have agreed that on following proposal submitted for
approval to the Board of Selectmen: Once the employee has used up
her remaining three vacation days and one personal day, the Town
will advance her for one year's time, 20 days paid sick time (or
less depending on the actual number of days she is out) on a
borrow system which is not intended to be used as a precedent
matter.  After the year, employee would pay back the time on a
monthly basis.  The dispatcher is willing to sign a statement to
this condition. Motion 5/17/94.5: move to allow emergency
communications dispatcher to borrow up to 20 days of sick time
with payback to begin after one year's time.   Motion made
Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 5-0.  

IV. Board of Assessors - Presentation of Award: Assessor Steve
Domenici read a statement of the Board of Assessors'
accomplishments during the tenure of Bill Danner and then
presented to Bill Danner a wall hanging on behalf of the Board.

V. MBTA Visit for Railroad project update: Bob Egan of the MBTA
and Joe Drolomo of Sverdrup Corporation appeared to inform the
Board of the progress being made on the final design step begun
in September 1992.  This facet lasts for 42 months and includes
20 construction contracts.  The contract for the Plymouth line
(30 miles of rail, 7 bridges and station platform) goes out for
bid in July, 1994. The contract for the Hanson station (canopy,
parking lot, landscaping, fencing) is expected to go out for bid
in late 1995 early 1996.  The project's expected revenue
operation date is December 1996.    The one station access is set
for Main Street and all aspects of the project will be ADA
accessible.  MBTA is planning on sending out "Officer Friendly"
to school age children to explain the dangers of railroads and
prevent accidents within the community.  Comments on station
design should be submitted shortly to MBTA for inclusion in bid
specifications.  Murdoch questioned sound-proofing provisions.
Egan indicated abutters should contact him directly.  Kuchinski
questioned the status of compliance with the Conservation issued
Order of Conditions regarding concrete ties. Egan stated the
decision to use timber-creosoted ties the entire length of the
project was made last week. Selectmen indicated their displeasure
at this disclosure and want environmentally sensitive areas
protected as proposed by the MBTA Environmental Impact Statement
for the project.  Planning Board Chairman Phil Linquist and
Noreen O'Toole, Town Planner questioned platform location,
whistle blowing requirements, sidewalk location, proposed staging
areas for construction equipment and materials, and plans for
signals and gates.  Egan stated he would make a set of updated
plans available to the Town Planner next week.  Bill Danner
clarified that Hanson is in the intersection contract for traffic
signals for the Main Street firehouse.  Egan plans to update
Hanson on plans with  a public meeting within 30 days of making a
presentation to the Board.   Selectmen requested Nugent to draft
a letter with O'Toole's input re: the issues of concern: noise
mitigation, aquifer protection, and cost assessment to the Town.

VI. Fire Department Commendation: Frisoli read aloud a letter
from M.J. McIssac, Jr. who suffered an injury last month and who
was writing to compliment an off-duty officer who stopped to help
and the response team who completed his care.  Motion 5/17/94.6:
move to place this letter of commendation in the personnel files
of Eric Hutchings (off-duty personnel) and Jerome Thompson, Jr.
and Lt. Paul Proudman.  Motion made by Murdoch with second by
Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.  Nugent directed to respond to the

VII. Boy Scout Troop #34: Troop 34 is requesting permission to
canvass the Town from May 18 through June 5 for the sale of auto
first aid kits to subsidize the cost of summer camp for the boys.
Motion 5/17/94.7: move to allow Boy Scout Troop #34 permission to
canvass the Town from May 18 through June 5 for the sale of auto
first aid kits.  Motion made by Jones with second by Kuchinski.
Motion carried 5-0.  

VIII. Renewal of Hawkers and Peddlers' license: Charles Sweet
requesting permission to again have a farm stand at the Charter
Gas Station at the intersection of Routes 58 and 27 for the
summer months.  Motion 5/17/94.8: move to renew the Hawkers and
Peddlers' license for Charles Sweet at the Charter Gas Station.
Motion by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.

IX. Designation of Members to Committees: Chair of the Board
informed the new members of the need to have Board members
represented on several committees and volunteers were sought.
Joseph Frisoli and Charles Flynn will serve on the negotiation
team for the Fire Department Union regarding contract issue;
Joseph Frisoli will serve on negotiation team with Kuchinski for
the Highway Department; Judith Murdoch and Catherine Kuchinski
will alternate attendance as the Plymouth County Advisory Board
member; Peter Jones will serve on Whitman-Hanson Building Study
Committee; Catherine Kuchinski and Charles Flynn will negotiate
for the donation of the land on West Washington Street and
Kuchinski will represent the Board on the Emergency
Communications Center Management Committee.

X. Police Department - surplus equipment: Police Chief has asked
that the 20 foot Sea Ray boat and trailer be declared surplus.
The items had been donated 5 or 6 years ago and had been in need
of repairs which has never been done. The boat has no motor and
the trailer has 4 flat tires.  Value is believed to be more than
$200 but under $500.  Motion 5/17/94.9: move to declare the Sea
Ray boat and trailer surplus and allow permission for same to be
advertised for public auction under the  Town By-law. Motion by
Murdoch with second by Jones.  Motion carried 5-0.

XI. Highway Department - surplus vehicles: Highway Surveyor has
requested the Board of Selectmen declare four vehicles surplus.
Each vehicle has been stripped of useable parts.   Motion
5/17/94.10: move to declare the 1983 Ford half-ton pickup, the
1984 Chevrolet half-tom van and the 1987 and 1988 Ford Crown
Victoria cars surplus under the Town By-law. Motion by Murdoch
with second by Flynn.  Motion carried 5-0.

XII. Renewals for two Junk Dealer/Collector licenses:  Motion
5/17/94.11: move to grant Junk Dealer/Collector licenses to
Charles and Anthony Roderick of 950 West Washington Street and
Susan A. Leahy of 50 Holmes Street with the request that the Fire
Chief and Water Department be asked to make informational site
visits relative to vehicles and/or materials stored on site.
Motion by Murdoch with second by Kuchinski.  Motion carried 5-0.

Requests for Action: (1) Flag: the particulars for making a flag
were explained with Kuchinski offering information for reduced
cost for materials also considered acceptable by other towns for
submittals.  Frisoli requested that he be allowed as a private
citizen to canvass businesses and residences for donations.
Motion 5/17/94.12: move to grant permission for Joe Frisoli to
solicit businesses, organizations, and residents for donations to
create the Town Flag.  Motion by Flynn with second by Murdoch.
Motion carried 4-0-1 (Frisoli).  The aim is to raise funds for at
least two flags.  The school art department will be asked to
colorize the design. (2) Labor Counsel: Discussion ensued about
interviewing three firms for the position of labor counsel
effective July 1, 1994. Other suggestions should be given for
next meeting.  Motion 5/17/94.13: move to appoint Earl Wilson to
continue as special counsel for labor negotiations with the
Town's police Union contract. Motion by Murdoch with second by
Frisoli.  Motion carried 5-0.  Nugent to arrange interviews.  (3)
Kuchinski reported on written report of the Harbester site
inspection wherein DEP representative expressed dissatisfaction
as to progress being made and town officials noted additional
problems. Judy Collins of Boards of Appeals is coordinating the
Town's effort.  (4) Clerical Union communique re Assistant
Assessor position. Nugent directed to draft a memo responding to
the request for review by the selectmen.

XII. Executive Secretary Report: (1) with receipt of police
department grant, the Fiscal audit requires a single audit at a
cost of $2,000.  Motion 5/17/94.14: move to authorize Thevenian
to extend contract to conduct the addition audit subject to Town
Meeting funding.  Motion by Murdoch with second by Jones. Motion
carried 5-0.  (2) Water department and workers' compensation
insurance payment: Nugent directed to facilitate obtaining the
information from the insurance company audit.  Nugent also to
attend a meeting with Water Commissioners to address their
concerns.  (3) Two letters received from District Attorney's
office regarding Open Meeting law violations.  Nugent to research
and prepare a draft response.

XIII. Executive Session.  Frisoli announced the need to enter
executive session for two matters. Motion 5/17/94.15: move to
enter Executive Session under #3 for litigation strategy for the
Luiz suit and under #5 for investigation of criminal misconduct.
Motion made by Murdoch with second by Jones.  Vote taken by roll
call vote: Murdoch - Aye; Flynn - Aye; Frisoli - Aye; Jones - Aye
and Kuchinski - Aye.   Motion carried 5-0.  At 10:45pm break for
Executive Session. Chair announcing the likelihood of at least
one vote being taken during the session.  During break, Mr.
Dahlberg presented IRS information regarding the Town's adherence
to IRS requirements for the Town's small vehicles. Frisoli gave
information to Nugent to check out with Town Counsel.

XIII. Adjournment.  Re-entered open session at 11:32pm.  Motion
5/17/94.14: move to adjourn.   Motion by Murdoch with second by
Jones.  Motion carried 5-0. Adjourned at 11:32pm.